Friday, October 19, 2007

Virtual Freelance Guide eBook - PLR rights

Virtual Freelancing is a booming business. I've been in it for approximately a decade now and I've personally watched it grow and grow and grow. Years ago when I first jumped in a lot of employers were skeptical and a bit uncomfortable with the idea of someone working for them who wasn't right under their nose. Now, they're hiring virtual freelancers for everything. The demand has increased exponentially over the past few years especially with the growing Internet Marketing business. Internet Marketers generally work from their own home and as they grow they need assistance - so where do they find it = virtual freelancers. Of course, they are only a portion of the employers now hiring virtual freelancers.

With the growth of the demand has come the growth of more and more freelancers looking to make a living working from home. Problem is, only around 1 out of 10-20 freelancers has what it takes to land projects. It seems they think they can just jump in and start getting work. It's not that easy for most. While the demand has grown, employers are picky about who they hire because it's still risky in that you can't tell who's who from the other end of a computer. You've got 167 proposals for your position and all you have are words to figure out who to hire. Further freelancers are known to just disappear into thin air at times - leaving work half done, done improperly or not done at all.

Freelancers don't realize that the chips are stacked against them when it comes to bidding on projects and landing the job. Oftentimes they think their resume of on-site experience will get them in the door but this is not generally the case. It's simply not that simple. But it's not terribly hard either...if you know the Ins and Outs and what employers are looking for vs. what they're not looking for. There's a lot of competition out there for these virtual projects and you need to be one step ahead to come out the winner.

This is where the Virtual Freelance Guide comes in. This guide was written by yours truly, a Veteran in the freelance game. I've learned the hard way, by trial and error, by bidding on hundreds of hundreds of jobs and trying different methods. I searched through the thousands of freelance sites, I became a member of many. I've done all the research I think can be done over the years. Now that I'm very successful in my freelance business and also work from the employer standpoint, giving me even more insight on who gets hired, I thought I'd outline the Ins and Outs for other freelancers looking to really generate an income working from home.

The guide covers the pros and the cons of the business, whether or not to become a member of paid freelance sites, how to land projects and build your reputation, how to write a proposal that will get you noticed by employers, what to do and what not to do, billing and more. It's not filled with pages and pages of "filler" material. It's short (13 pages, a bit over 5k words) and to the point.

With that said, I believe it's a great tool for virtual freelancers. A time-saver from figuring out how to go about getting work and what you're doing wrong if you're already trying but not succeeding. Freelancers can get it here: Virtual Freelance Guide - Succeed in Your Virtual Venture. It's only $9.00 - a very small investment in your business.

From a marketing standpoint I'm offering a limited number of PLR to the eBook for $21. To purchase the PLR, please go here: Virtual Freelance Guide PLR (private label rights)

Best of luck in whatever virtual venture you are pursuing!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

If someone told you making money online happens overnight or is just easy THEY LIED!

Wow, I didn't realize it had been so long since my last post! I have made a couple of resolutions and to get back to posting frequently is one of them!

What have I been doing? Marketing and working! If anyone ever told you or tells you that making money online happens overnight or it's really easy, they're lying! Now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist, granted, but you definitely have to work at it (unless you can afford to hire someone to do all the work). If I see one more site, blog, advertisement, etc. that says that you can get rich practically overnight online I'm going to slap somebody! I make a decent living online but you can bet your bottom dollar I actually work!

No, you don't have to spend every waking hour working and yes you can work your way to a pretty nice income online but if you don't put any research and effort into it it's not going to happen. My goal is to create an online stream of income that eventually doesn't require a ton of work but I'm not envisioning just never having to be at my computer to do anything but transfer money to my bank account (again, unless I get comfy enough to pay someone to do all of my work, research, marketing, etc.) Besides, I love surfing around the Internet, coming up with new stuff, etc. so even if I get there you'll still find me around here somewhere!

With all of that said, I try to bring products and information to your life that has made my Internet Marketing life easier and more profitable for not too much, and sometimes free, as I continue along my online money making adventure.

I've been working on and checking out a lot of stuff lately and I have some great new tools and info to bring to you soon! There one's product I'm just itching to tell you about but the owner hasn't released it yet...but trust me, as soon as he does you'll be the first to know. It's an awesome marketing tool that I PROMISE will help you make money marketing MUCH FASTER. Whatever kind of marketing it is...affiliate marketing, direct marketing, whatever...this thing rocks and will totally rock your marketing world. I have NEVER been SO excited about a product! I actually made the tutorial videos for it so I know first-hand everything about it. Anyways...more about that later when it's released!!!

I'm working on a few things to tell you about that I have learned and implemented lately...and I'm finding myself transferring money into my bank account more often! So I promise to be back soon with new info for you =)

'till then,

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

20 Internet Marketing Products WITH MASTER RESALE RIGHTS for less than a dollar each

Check out this site to see which 20 Internet Marketing Products you can add to your arsenal for less than $1/each. I have them but I haven't used all of them yet.

And what's really nice is you get FULL MASTER RESALE RIGHTS to all of the products...and they come with everything you need to resell them!

Get 20 Internet Marketing Products for your own use and for resale (Master Resale Rights) here.

More products are going to be added soon.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Tired of being chained to a 9-5? Sick of your job?

Me too! Well, I haven't been bound to a 9-5 for a while now but I was so sick of it. Now, I had a fabulous boss, a fabulous secretary and a fabulous office but I was still sick of it. I had a fairly flexible schedule and could do just about whatever I wanted. And I did love what I did...I was a paralegal and it fit me for more than one reason. Not a bad deal where 9-5s are concerned but I was still OVER IT!

I COULD NOT picture myself having to do that till age 67. Yeah right. Ugh, it was a miserable thought, had been for years.

I started working online part-time several years ago but kept a 9-5 for the most part. I needed to get some income coming in online before I could just walk away from my job. I have kids, a car note, insurance, etc., the regular responsibilities.

I actually got fired from my last job...I had a big surgery and had permission to be off work for several weeks. Me, and the dedicated worker I am, I was going to go back in before I had to. I just hated the idea of things getting out of control (like I knew they would) and my very needy, dependent boss having to tie his shoes without me! So I said I was going to TRY to come in Tuesday. Well, umm, Tuesday came and I COULDN'T DO IT. (Mind you this is a HUGE firm, where a lot of politicking goes on and I wasn't the fav of a couple of people there because I'm very outspoken and opinionated..and I didn't cater to anyone but my boss.) So, the Office Manager (who didn't like me because I did what my boss told me which conflicted with what she told me often) went over everyone's head to a lead person in a whole other city to report that I said I'd be back Tuesday and I didn't come back Tuesday (never mind the doctor's prescribed time off). So I get a call saying I'm fired.

You have no idea how pissed I was. I worked my ass off for this damn firm. I had the most demanding, dependent boss every (I loved him dearly) and over 130 cases at any given time. I did higher level work than ANY paralegal in the firm but I was fired all on politics???? Yeah, it happens. My boss would let me come back (he wouldn't even replace me for almost a year!) but I was so so pissed that it was the last needed bit of motivation for me to work online FROM HOME full-time. SCREW all this politicking, working in Corporate America where no one really gives a f*&! about you, giving all your sweat and blood for 50 years of your life, etc (you know I could go on).

That was IT for me. I could have even fought it on legal terms, but SCREW IT. They did me a favor and I knew it. It had been my goal for a long time to work full-time from home and this was the shove I needed to finish diving completely in.

I've been working from home every since. I haven't found a get rich overnight deal yet (still searching LOL) but I have managed and I have found more and more opportunities. I have managed to network with some great people who make nice earnings from home online.

For many years, I worked as a freelancer working from home part-time. Now I do it full-time and I make good money. (I've gotten into some Internet Marketing too but I still do my freelance stuff.)

Being a freelancer is easy...landing the real jobs making real money isn't. Employers now have tons of virtual freelancers to choose from and the criteria for who to hire is different that the on-site criteria. And a lot of the time, they NEVER look at your resume and if they do, it's only after you have caught their attention with your proposal. If you don't capture them within the first paragraph of your proposal, it's over for you. They have way to many proposals to sift through. And I guarantee you don't know as much about proposal writing as you think. I'm a great writer and I thought proposal writing would be a breeze for me...but I didn't understand the major differences in proposals for online jobs and a cover letter for an on-site job like I thought I did.

You will not just decide to do this today and start landing the jobs tomorrow. Not the real online jobs with legitimate employers anyway. It takes a lot of time, persistence and trial and error. OR it takes a guide who's already been there and can tell you how to get the edge and get the work. ahem...that would be me.

I can land any online job I want these days. But it didn't start out that way. I'm very smart and I have a great on-site history so I couldn't figure out why it wasn't as easy to land the good legitimate online jobs and projects as it was for me to land an on-site job. After years of proposals, research, etc. I have finally figured it all out. Now I know where to look for jobs and exactly how to be the one out of sometimes hundreds of applicants they choose.

I also hire and manage virtual employees now so I know even more about the employer standpoint.

I'm sure you think you know enough just like I thought, but ten years later I realize I didn't know half as much as I thought I knew. And ten years later I'm landing whatever I want, practically whenever I want and making a full-time income right from my own home. (I'm sitting here in my boxers, tee and socks right now at 2 am. on a Sunday morning because I don't have to get up and be somewhere at 8 am.)

So I've put together a short eBook about freelancing to tell you what it took me a long time to figure out with plenty of trial and error and proposals. A to-the-point outline of what you need to know to get the jobs and have the comfort of working from home just like I do.

It's already helped freelancers get their start and jumped them steps ahead of the rest because now they just have to follow the outline I've already prepared for them instead of figuring it out from scratch and not understanding why they've applied to so many online jobs and barely landed any of them.

As a freelancer and manager of freelancers, I know what it takes. And I am now sharing it with anyone else who really wants to work from home.

So get your copy and start making money online without even changing clothes if you don't want to.

You can get it at

Enjoy and good luck!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

MySpace Friend Adder

There are a ton of MySpace Friend Adders out there, and they are a great tool...but I found one that's FREE! And it has all of the same functions of the ones that will cost you anywhere from $30-$50 or so.

There is a catch but it's totally worth it. You have to either provide a link to their site or refer two friends to download the demo to get full activation. But you can download a demo to try it out first. And it's still better than paying for it. We need our money for other marketing tools right? lol

You can find it here: MySpace Friend Adder

If you need a YouTube Friend Adder, check out the rest of my blog...there are a couple of posts about the one I love and a brief video demo. You can purchase it here YouTube Friend Adder.

And don't forget the other MySpace Friend Adder Bot Friend I've blogged about. It's not an adder bot, but a friend of the adder bot and you can use it with the free MySpace Friend Adder discussed above. They can work hand-in-hand to produce the best results. I use them together. One filters results and one does all the auto stuff.

Social networks are definitely one of the places you need not to forget to market in. And YouTube and MySpace are definitely two of the big players.


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

You Tell Me What You'd like to know about or read about

Ok, I'm always busy posting things that I think are worth mentioning or are helpful or products I love on my different blogs and other places I post. Then I was just sitting here thinking what do I want to post about tonight; I had several things in mind but then I was like "Find out what readers want".

I would love to hear about what you would like to see posted. Do you have something you'd like to see on here? A website, a product, a program, some tips? It's okay if you're a blogger too and want me to post something here about your blog or your site. I'm happy too =)

Please leave a comment with any ideas.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Keywords and Titles for higher search rankings and to generate traffic

Something I wanted to make a quick post about. I thought about this when searching to find out where some of my sites are indexed on Google and Yahoo. And this is something I didn't realize when I first started blogging, etc. I was having this conversation with a fellow marketer the other day and thought it would be a useful bit for someone, it would have been nice to know when I first started out...but hey, trial and error!

Your title needs to include your most important keywords. It's great to enter a bunch of keywords for your blog, etc., but if you include the most important ones in your title you'll get better search results.

You would think this goes without saying? Well, it doesn't necessarily.

I'm trying to think of a good, let's try this. Say you're blogging about Friend Laser (which I have blogged about). There are several titles you could use. One is obviously "Friend Laser". But guess what, even though MySpace would be a keyword, if I use the word MySpace in my title like "How to Increase Your MySpace Traffic", I get better search results than if I just tag it with MySpace.

Again, some of you will think this goes without saying but you'd be surprised. And I truly didn't realize the great importance of this when I began so just thought I'd share that. I hope at least a few of you will appreciate it.

(There is a nice little Keyword tool that I blogged about before, you can find it here if you wanna check it out.....Top Keyword Data Tool

Ok, till later!


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

MySpace Friend Adder Bot Friend

Ok, this is a program I blogged about a couple of months ago but I've gotten a lot of questions about it and a lot of Thank Yous so I'm going to be a little more specific in how it works, its benefits and how it's a Friend of the MySpace Friend Adders.

Friend Laser is not an automated bot. What it does is find highly trafficked profiles for you. How does this benefit you?

A) You want to be friends with the most popular people on MySpace right?

B) If you post a comment on a person's page who has 20 friends as opposed to a person's page who has 5000 friends, which one do you think will drive more traffic to your page? Right, the one with 5000 friends because their page is more trafficked. The key is to be seen.

C) The MySpace Friend Adders DO NOT give you the option to target highly trafficked profiles. They simply add everyone one a page, no matter if they have only one friend and are never trafficked.

D) Friend Laser doesn't violate MySpace terms to using it will not get you in trouble with MySpace.

So you have a couple of options with Friend Laser. You can use it alone and manually add the friends it finds for you (you just click on the name in the Friend Laser list and it automatically goes to their page for you). Or, you can use an adder bot and Friend Laser hand-in-hand by utilizing the import/export functions and letting Friend Laser target the trafficked profiles for you and letting the bot do the automatic adding if you like.

So, Friend Laser isn't an automated adding bot, it's the best friend of the automated adding bot.

It's here:

Friend Laser

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Blog and Ping and Keyword Niche Power - My Thank You - buy 1, get 1

Ok, I couldn't sleep. I'm an insomniac and an internetholic.

I got some new blog and ping software and it's pretty much done away with the 'ping' part of my blogging life. I have several things but my newest one is really simple. There's nothing fancy schmancy about it, it's cut and dry blog and ping.

And, as I mentioned for being one reason you will end up purchasing stuff....I have resale rights to this (among other things). I resell things on my website but what about my blog readers here? I want to offer something more than just what I learn and links to products I find.

Soooooo, here it is, I'm going to give you the Blog and Ping software for $12.00 and I'm going to throw in the KeyWord Niche Power product I have. And you will have resale rights to them too. So use them, resell them, whatever you want to do with them. (And sorry, but no refunds, you won't want one, but I can't take the product back so I can't offer a refund on this.)

This is a personal thing, a thanks for reading thing, so just email me personally and use the keywords "Blog and Ping Software". I will then personally respond telling you how to get it. ONLY PAYPAL payments will be accepted for this offer. If you want to use a cc, you will have to order through the site at regular price.

My email:

Ewen Chia's Newbie Cash Machine

Ok, one more tool before I go to's late and I'm tired!

I know you've heard of Ewen Chia? If you haven't, just Google him, you'll turn up tons of stuff. Ewen has been around for a long time and is very well respected among marketers and affiliates. He's a reallyyyyy nice guy too, not to mention super smart.

Right now he's offering Free Insider Secrets. He's also offering a really good program at $27. I saw this program before but it was like $100 at the time. I didn't get it. I have an arsenal of products, but I have to spend wisely so I have set a monthly spending allowance on what I can buy each month. Yes, I go over sometimes but I try to stick close to it. I keep a list of the products I want to buy and try to prioritize what I think I need most or what I can fit into the monthly "I can buy net stuff" budget. I go back to some of the higher priced stuff once my budget is replenished the next month =)

If you haven't just started in this game, you know that you do have to buy stuff. For one thing, there is some excellent knowledge out there that you can spend a multitude of hours looking up yourself or buy something that wraps it all up for you. Of course you have the automated programs that do the things you know how to do but they do it in like a fraction of the time, freeing your hands up for other stuff. And then there are products that you can benefit from and then get resale rights too. The list of reasons goes on. You know how it goes.

Anyways, when I saw Ewen's Newbie Cash Machine on sale finally, I grabbed it. Wanted to let you guys know that it's on sale too! Most of Ewen's stuff is a must have, he knows this game inside and out.

Here's the link:

Ewen Chia's Newbie Cash Machine

Project Black Mask

Ok, I've been learning this marketing stuff from the ground up. I have had a plus on my side as I work with a marketer but I refuse to bug her all the time about how to do this or that. I just try to soak up as much knowledge as I can and I spend countless hours figuring stuff out.

I've been hearing about this "Project Black Mask". At first, I just went on about my business, I never even looked at it, too much stuff to look at around this great big WonderfulWorldofWeb. Well, I kept seeing it. Now I know's a GREAT tool and some fabulous knowledge to have...and most importantly to me, it didn't break my bank to get it. (You guys know how I am about that!)

Anyways, bye-bye paying for a bunch of stuff when there IS a LOOPHOLE and you can GET FREE CLICKS. You know adwords can run into some money. I love the real people who actually give you the real information.

As a publisher, affiliate, blogger, can benefit from Project Black Mask. Google probably doesn't love it but hey, they have enough money anyway!

And you guys also know how I LOVE AUTOMATED stuff right?! Yep.

Here's your shortcut to money for nothing (well you have to buy the product but then you're homefree....

Project Black me the secrets!

To date, I have had nothing but compliments on the tools and products I've referred people to =) And, I DON'T send you to anything I haven't used myself!!!!


Friday, June 22, 2007

YouTube friend adder bot

Ok, I just blogged about this but I just checked my YouTube account and I have hundreds of friends in TWO days. I had like 2 friends before I got Tubeinator. I'm loving this.

I haven't done a whole lot in the way of videos to date, but I'm now entering into that phase myself since it's the big thing now. And this is going to make my life easier and save me time on adding friends, commenting, etc. I am super busy...working, marketing, blogging, kids, home, some sort of personal life, etc. so I have to chop up my day in fine pieces. Now there's one less thing I have to try to squeeze in there.

It takes a lot of time to manually add friends, send comments, etc. Just to send 10 friend requests can take about 30 minutes if you don't browse too much and just click through. Now sending 10 friend requests takes me no time. I just set it up and move on to doing something else while it does all of the work for me.

Ok, I'm going to bed now but I had to share that =)

Again, you can get it here.......and if you click the link below you get a free demo!



Affiliate Program

Ok, I'm not the world's hugest fan of a lot of affiliate programs. I tried a lot of them out and I've found a bunch of them are just garbage, their products don't sell well, or their payouts are pennies. I wrote them off a long time ago. I really didn't think it worked and I gave up chasing that dream.

If you even mentioned "affiliate program" to me, I shook my head and didn't want to hear anymore. Seriously.

Ok, so I was mistaken. I have been known to be wrong once every other blue moon or so =) Well, not totally mistaken, a lot of them are truly garbage, but for every 500 I suppose there are a handful or less that are worth the time and effort. You do have to work it though. You can't just sign up and be done.

I've been signed up to two that I decided to go out on a limb and try, after much investigation. Guess what, I'm actually getting paid from one of them!!! And the payout is 50%! I can live with that. They are about to launch a new product and commissions will be 75% for the launch and then back down to the regular 50%.

I've only put maybe ten links out there so far and have already been seeing nice commissions. I'm going to spread some more links around now that I see my time and effort will be rewarded this time.

I haven't gotten anything off of the other one yet, but I'm going to put some more work into it and see what happens. If I start seeing some money from it, I'll blog about it too.

So, back to the one that IS paying me. They offer several products, all at a 50% payout. The products they offer are popular and actually sell; they are actually things that people are interested in and are valuable to internet users (and how many of those are there!). The products aren't too pricey (making more sales) but they cost enough to give you a decent kickback on your commission.

On one of the products just three sales made me $67.50. Now it is not, by any means, an overnight get rich quick deal that you don't have to put any work into. I haven't been able to quit working (I work from home online anyway) but it's a nice extra little bit and it's been a steady extra for a while now. Heck, if I make like five sales per month, my cable and internet bill is paid =) But I definitely want to work at it more so I can pay a few other bills with it too!

With that said, you can check out the program via the link below.

Affiliate Program

'Till later...

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Do you YouTube??? Do you Video??? Internet Marketing, social marketing/networking, video marketing?

Okay, okay, I know...I've been gone for a while...we went on vacation to Disney World! about FABULOUS!

But what I wanted to tell you about is a (almost as fabulous as my vacation) new YouTube tool! It's called Tubeinator.

Now we all know that online videos and video marketing are the new big deal (and if you don't know, now you do). But for the most part, you have to do more than just upload a video to see any results. People need to find your videos.

There's an awesome new software that'll do just that - and you can download a fully-functional demo today at no charge! You can get it here: TUBEINATOR

Of course, you could just spend endless hours manually doing everything or you can use it and watch what happens. Guaranteed to be a major difference in your YouTube life.



Friday, May 4, 2007

Top Keyword Data Tool - Wanna find profitable AdSense niches at the push of a few buttons?

New Tool Reveals Profitable AdSense Niches In Seconds

AdSense businesses have taken off like wildfire in recent years because it allows you to get cash flowing in without top marketing or copywriting skills.

You just get people to click on the ads and you get paid. It’s not rocket science.

But before you can get people to your sites in the first place and get paid a fair amount per click, you’ve got to pick a profitable niche.

If you pick the wrong one, then all of your efforts may not make you anything.

Top Keyword Data is a tool that will help you find high-profit, low-competition niches in as little as seconds.

It works by storing over 130,000 keywords and allowing you to sort the keywords by such data as how much they pay-per-click and the amount of competition they have.

So, with a few clicks of a button, you can find the most profitable keywords to optimize your pages for.

Additionally, you can type in a keyword to find all of the keywords in a niche. This allows you to quickly analyze a niche idea for its likelihood of success.

This means using Top Keyword Data is simple and easy to use (and saves you a ton of time). But, more importantly, increases your ratio of successful sites.

Now, you can rest more assured that your efforts to create a new site are going to pay off. This alone could double, triple, or even quadruple your AdSense income.

For this reason, Top Keyword Data gets my highest recommendation. It’s simple to use and pays off many times over in the years to come.

You can get it here...

Top Keyword Data
if the place you are viewing this post won't allow you to click the link, follow my blog - you can click it there...


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 - another web 2.0 analytical tool

I discovered today. You'll find that for many reasons, I love sites like Alexa, Delexa, etc. Now joins the bunch. does a few of its goals is to allow you to see how "safe, popular and valuable a site is." Great idea with so many sites out there and a large number of new ones popping up every day.

Simply type in the name of a site and you will get a "snapshot" of the site with traffic history, trust scores and more. It'll also give you the promotion codes and coupons, if any, available for a site. Nice for shoppers and the like!

You can also compare sites, like on Alexa. also offers a search tool and blog to help you along your way in finding great sites and getting info on them.

If you spend any amount of time on the web, you'll appreciate the value of sites like this. Whether you're a marketer, a site reviewer, a shopper, a socializer, a networker, a blogger...whatever, these sites offer handy, valuable tools.

I could write a lengthy review here, but I'm just going to tell you to check it out...yup, it's free!

For now, I'll still continue to use Alexa, Delexa and now to check out sites, compare them and find similar ones. Each of them has some tools I find valuable.

'till later...

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

MySpace - top web 2.0 site per Delexa (web analytic tool)

Just out of curiosity, I went and checked "web 2.0" on Delexa a minute ago. Did you know MySpace is the top 2.0 website currently per Delexa? Wow, I didn't. I mean, I knew it was up there, but didn't realize it was #1 right now.

If you don't know about Delexa, read my post about's a fantastic tool.

And if you MySpace, are a marketer, artist, etc...check out my post on how to easily find the most trafficked pages.

Ok, that was just an FYI I thought I'd share..don't believe me? Check Delexa yourself, it's free!

Set it and forget it blogging software

Ok, I have been submitting my blog to site after site after site. It's tiresome and tedious. But I have to get my blog out there, get backlinks, etc.

THEN I find this software and I had to write about it because it's making my life easier and it can make yours easier too.

It puts the “Blog and Ping” technique on autopilot to get your sites visited by the search engines within days! Enjoy a resurgence in search engine traffic for old pages and get your new sites
producing in fraction of the time it otherwise takes.

Let's face it, if you want to get more zero cost search engine traffic to your website, then there is no more important task than getting your pages inside as fast as possible.

You don’t want to be sitting around waiting for months before the search engines decide to accept some of your pages.

The more pages you have in the search engines, the greater chance you have to pick-up those top search rankings that dump in traffic in the bucket loads!

So, how are you supposed to get your pages in the search engines faster than normal?

Let me introduce you to a new tool called, “Blogging Equalizer.” This tool takes advantage of the “Blog and ping” technique to get all of your pages into the search engines in a matter of days!

Just click a few buttons and let the software go to work calling the search engines spiders to your site – for ultra fast indexing so you can start cranking out profitable websites at lighting fast speed.

You can get more details or get the blogging tool here:

Blogging Equalizer

Get An Instant Traffic Boost With The Power of Press

What do you think when you hear the word “Press Release?”

Well, if you’re like most, then you know that you send it out to get press
coverage. But, what few people realize is that online press releases have
the power to do a whole lot more.

In fact, if you hit the right topic, then you can instantly generate thousands
of website visitors and hundreds of incoming links in a matter of days.

Plus, you can even get your press release ranked for key term terms in the
search engines. Best of all, it doesn’t cost a cent to submit your press

So, why have you not heard much about press releases yet? Well, there are
two key problems that prevent people from using them.

First, they don’t know how to go about creating them to pull results. And,
second, they don’t know where to submit them or have enough time to do
it once they do.

This is why a new tool called, “Press Equalizer” was developed. It allows
you to take advantage of the full power online press releases have to offer.

So, that in only a matter of days, you can be rolling in traffic, quality
backlinks, and a successful website full of new sales!

Check it out here:

Press Equalizer

Saturday, April 28, 2007 - web analytic tool

From the very day I found this site, I have used it almost every day.

It's a web analytic tool that ranks domains by topic. It combines U.S. rank with Tag Count rank, giving you some pretty accurate results. Think Alexa combined with

I have found it extremely useful as a search tool. Say I'm looking for sites that are similar to a particular site - I go to delexa, enter in the site and search. It will pull up the top ranked sites that are similar to the one that I just typed in. Regarding the site I typed in, it will give a ton of info like Statsaholic Daily Traffic Rank Trend, topic tags, and more. Then you'll see a list of the top 100 related sites and their rank and topic tags. You can also search by tag.


I do a lot of site reviews so I have found delexa to be helpful in assisting me to find site's competitors. Now don't get me wrong, I still Google, which is helpful but I MUST "Delexa" too because it helps me return a lot of relevant results and it leaves out all of the irrelevant mess that I get with regular search engine searches.

Now it won't return perfect results every time. If it's not in the top 50K, it won't be listed there, but most sites I have looked for are there. And sometimes it will return some results that aren't necessarily similar in my opinion, but I suppose they share some of the same tags and that's why.

One feature they haven't implemented yet, but I hear they intend to, is searching for multiple tags. This will be really handy and helpful in returning more specific results.

Did I say I LOVE IT and it's free so I LOVE IT even Check it out at

'Till later!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Screen Capture Videos

Obviously we are in a web era of videos. Videos for everything. Out with text tutorials, in with video tutorials.

Surprisingly enough, I first learned about this when one of my client/employers provided me with training videos to learn her systems via the web. They were awesome. It was so much easier to follow and learn than reading a text 'how to'. I sat and took notes as I watched the cursor in the video guide me on where to go and what to press and listened to the audio instruction. I thought this was some high-tech stuff. But guess what, it's really not! In my later endeavors, I saw these instructional videos everywhere. And now I find out that the program to do my own is cheap! You'll learn I love cheap! I believe in fair, I know the creators of products and programs have to earn a living too, but I can't afford overpriced stuff.

So, now I have it and love it and you can get it here:



MySpace - How can you easily find the most trafficked pages?

Ok, let's talk a little bit about how "finding the most trafficked pages" can benefit you.

Let's say you're an artist, you want to market yourself to as many people as possible right??? Ok, I thought so. Now, while every single person counts...think about the traffic that someone's page who has say 10 or 20 friends brings as opposed to the traffic that has say 500 or 1000 or 5000 friends brings!?! Those pages that have the higher number count of friends are the pages that are visited most, obviously.

Say you're a marketer, same concept applies. The more friends your friends have the higher your chances of getting your page trafficked more. And if you post comments on those 'higher count friend' pages, MORE people will see your comments and MORE people will visit your page. Curiosity is human nature.

This concept can apply no matter what you're into or what you do.

This program will allow you to set paramaters...say profiles with only 500 friends or more...and it will scan through however many profiles you tell it to scan through and compile a list of those profiles for you. (And you can just click on a profile in the list to go right to their page and add them as a friend, etc.)

I hope that gives you a better idea of why finding the more trafficked profiles can be extremely beneficial (and profitable) to you.

(Have you subscribed to my blog yet? You should.)

Here's the link to the program:

Friend Laser