Friday, June 29, 2007

Keywords and Titles for higher search rankings and to generate traffic

Something I wanted to make a quick post about. I thought about this when searching to find out where some of my sites are indexed on Google and Yahoo. And this is something I didn't realize when I first started blogging, etc. I was having this conversation with a fellow marketer the other day and thought it would be a useful bit for someone, it would have been nice to know when I first started out...but hey, trial and error!

Your title needs to include your most important keywords. It's great to enter a bunch of keywords for your blog, etc., but if you include the most important ones in your title you'll get better search results.

You would think this goes without saying? Well, it doesn't necessarily.

I'm trying to think of a good, let's try this. Say you're blogging about Friend Laser (which I have blogged about). There are several titles you could use. One is obviously "Friend Laser". But guess what, even though MySpace would be a keyword, if I use the word MySpace in my title like "How to Increase Your MySpace Traffic", I get better search results than if I just tag it with MySpace.

Again, some of you will think this goes without saying but you'd be surprised. And I truly didn't realize the great importance of this when I began so just thought I'd share that. I hope at least a few of you will appreciate it.

(There is a nice little Keyword tool that I blogged about before, you can find it here if you wanna check it out.....Top Keyword Data Tool

Ok, till later!


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