Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Blog and Ping and Keyword Niche Power - My Thank You - buy 1, get 1

Ok, I couldn't sleep. I'm an insomniac and an internetholic.

I got some new blog and ping software and it's pretty much done away with the 'ping' part of my blogging life. I have several things but my newest one is really simple. There's nothing fancy schmancy about it, it's cut and dry blog and ping.

And, as I mentioned for being one reason you will end up purchasing stuff....I have resale rights to this (among other things). I resell things on my website but what about my blog readers here? I want to offer something more than just what I learn and links to products I find.

Soooooo, here it is, I'm going to give you the Blog and Ping software for $12.00 and I'm going to throw in the KeyWord Niche Power product I have. And you will have resale rights to them too. So use them, resell them, whatever you want to do with them. (And sorry, but no refunds, you won't want one, but I can't take the product back so I can't offer a refund on this.)

This is a personal thing, a thanks for reading thing, so just email me personally and use the keywords "Blog and Ping Software". I will then personally respond telling you how to get it. ONLY PAYPAL payments will be accepted for this offer. If you want to use a cc, you will have to order through the site at regular price.

My email: emailkjnow@yahoo.com

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